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How to uninstall our New Tab extension from Google Chrome?
Click on the three horizontal lines icon in the upper right-hand corner of your Chrome browser.
Go to "Settings".
In the menu that appears click on "Extensions".
From the list of installed Extensions, find the name of the extension you wish to uninstall.
Click on the trash can icon to the right of "Enable" (for the extension you wish to uninstall).
Our extension should be removed from your Chrome browser, if not Close your browser completely and reopen it.
How to uninstall our Search extension from Google Chrome?
Click on the three horizontal lines icon in the upper right-hand corner of your Chrome browser.
Go to "Settings".
In the menu that appears click on "Extensions".
From the list of installed Extensions, find the name of the extension you wish to uninstall.
Click on the trash can icon to the right of "Enable" (for the extension you wish to uninstall).
Our extension should be removed from your Chrome browser, if not Close your browser completely and reopen it.
How do I Change my default Search?
Click on the three line list icon in the upper right corner of the the Google Chrome browser.
Then click on Settings from the drop down menu.
Use the drop down menu in the Search section of the page to select your desired search provider.
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